I want to thank all of you who spent your time in one way or another helping us prepare to move. It was a huge job & I never could have done it without your help. Thank you for the yummy & fun lunch before I left. Thank you Michele & Amy for your beautiful song. It made my mascara run.... : ) Thank you so much for the special notes you wrote to me. I read those sentiments often & it fills my cup. Thank you for the beautiful necklace. Every time I wear it I think of you & know that I am loved by the greatest sisters in the entire church. Thank you! You have each blessed my life in so many different ways. I will always love & remember you!!!!!
You are in my prayers always. I hope that you are happy, healthy, & enjoying growing & serving together in the greatest ward ever!! We miss you!!!
God Be With You Till We Meet Again!
Much Love Always,
Jeanette Nielson
P.S. Please Please don't take my name off this mailing list. This was such a treat to receive.